Whispers From a Postnatural Landscape

Monthly Announcements by the Institute for Postnatural Studies

Upcoming Seminars


We are happy to share with you the two upcoming seminars of the 2023 Fall Program. Early Bird Discount available until september 17th.


Eco? Trans? Techno? Cyber? Queer? Black? Hydro? Xeno? Feminisms


The intricate postnatural tangle that we live in is composed of a multitude of infinitely entangled threads that clash and interact, pointing to the fact that "nature" has progressively become an immense reservoir of resources for globalized human societies; in many cases, without attention to its finiteness and scarcity.

The idea of the Earth as an "anonymous mother" (that some self-identified “eco-feminisms” uncritically maintain) is intrinsically linked to the conception of both nature and women as indefinitely exploitable sources of (re)production and wealth and has led us to collide with our planet’s real ecological limits. This recklessness, this negligence, has provoked the "intrusion of Gaia", that is, the brutally implacable response of the Earth-system to these and other violences - which forces us to face another type of finitude: that of a "we" and a "world" yet to be defined.

October 16th - November 20th 2023

6 Online Sessions

New Ecologies: Decentralizing The Human Through Contemporary Practices


This seminar will examine the glossaries that characterize new ecologies, analyzing inter-species articulations, cultural productions, ecological awareness, and the challenges of artistic, design, research, and curatorial practices in today’s climate crisis. From a broad approach to contemporary ecologies that defy rigid categorizations, we will deepen in the genealogies of the Postnatural, as a thinking tool and political subject.

By looking into the terminologies related to the ecological crisis, we will unfold different approaches, both theoretical and material, and investigate other modes and perspectives that decolonize and expand our understanding of the environment. Through virtual visits and collective experiments, this seminar will also explore postnatural landscapes and technologies, such as the botanical garden, and revisit theories from Ecofeminism that invite decentralizing the human through contemporary practices.

October 17th - November 21st 2023

6 Online Sessions

Interior Ecologies: International Online Conference


The second edition of the Interior Ecologies conference, organized by MAIA, Master of Arts in Interior Architecture at HEAD – Geneva, and the Institute for Postnatural Studies, will delve into the intersection between the built environment and new emerging ecologies, exploring the impact of digitalization on interior architecture and its relationship to computational ecologies, social media, non-human relations, postnatural territories, videogames, and artificial intelligence.

Open Call

Contributions are welcome in any format (online talk, digital artwork, research process, experimental audio-visual essay, tiktok videos, etc) on the topics of: Ecologies of Media | Digital Environments and Videogames | Artificial Intelligence | Psychic Ecologies.

Please send your contributions before September 26th to the following link: [email protected]

Previous Programs


Fluid Toxicity

A Cooperation Between Floating Berlin and Institute for Postnatural Studies

How can we think and relate to toxicity, both on a material and also on a conceptual level? How can we overcome the binary distinctions derived from modernity that separate what is toxic from what is safe and blur the boundaries between the natural and the artificial, between the body and the environment? How can we render visible the invisible, how can we materialise the ethereal? How are the limits between security and toxicity set and by whom?

Over four days in July members of Floating University Berlin, the Institute for Postnatural Studies (Madrid), and researcher Maria Morata as a pollinating agent will gather in Floating University’s rainwater retention basin together with guests and allies to think, exchange, explore, and resonate with each other on the theme of toxicity, in search of new ways of survival on a planet that has truly become intoxicated. Employing various modes of engagement, the group of artists and researchers will work to expand the term, establish a more fluid understanding, and establish a living archive on site. The research process will be shared in open events including screenings a presentation and discussions.

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Cthulhu Books brings together reflections and worlds that derive from distinct perspectives, emerging new ways of talking about nature and suggesting malleable relationships between words and what they describe.